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Weekly Wellbeing Resources: Kitchen Tips, Mental Health Podcasts and More

When it comes to wellbeing, employers often find themselves challenged by how to approach a shift from a traditional wellness model to a comprehensive and holistic program that supports the whole person. Below you'll find this week’s curated list of wellbeing resources.  Feel free to share these resources, as appropriate, with your team. Have a safe and healthy week!

Career Wellbeing

Social & Family Wellbeing

  • 11 Tips for Talking to Someone You Disagree With – Talking with someone we disagree with can be incredibly uncomfortable for many of us.  But without being able to engage the “other side”, we can suffer a significant loss to our relationships, families, or communities. This article discusses some tips on how to become more effective, credible, and collaborative when we’re engaging with people who see the world differently. 
  • Helping Kids Manage Big Hurts and Little Hurts – If 2020 taught us anything it’s that we must help our kids deal with change and disappointment. In this 15-minute podcast, Child and Family Therapist, Jennifer Kolari, talks about how to help your kids manage big hurts and little hurts.  Listen in to find out how to help your kids develop the emotional shock absorbers needed to handle anything.

Financial Wellbeing

  • Budgeting: How Do You Manage Your Spending In a Society That Uses Mainly Debit and Credit Cards?  – In the past, people used to use the “cash envelope” method of budgeting where they would have envelopes with different categories written on the outside of each envelope with different amounts inside.  When the cash was gone in an envelope, you knew you had overspent in that category.  How can you work a system like this in our heavily cashless society?  Pete the Planner® will explore this topic on both his blog post and his podcast

Physical Wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing

  • 10 of the Best Podcasts About Mental Health – A good mental health podcast is no substitute for talking to a qualified professional but listening in can provide helpful tips for coping with anxiety and depression from those who’ve either experienced it firsthand, spent their lives treating those who have, or both.  These are 10 great podcasts to add to your toolkit. 
  • New Netflix Series: Headspace Guide to Meditation – If you are looking for an approachable manner to get started with meditation, Headspace has teamed up with Netflix to offer just that.  In the new Netflix series ‘Headspace Guide to Meditation’, Headspace takes a friendly, animated look at the benefits of meditation while offering techniques and guided meditations to jump-start your practice.

Community Wellbeing

  • Brighten Up a Meals on Wheels Delivery – Think how fun it would be to receive your meal in a brightly decorated lunch bag!  This is a fun and inexpensive project for all ages.  Contact your nearest Meals on Wheels program to find out where to drop them off.  This site also offers up some reflection questions and stories to help kids understand how important it is to spread kindness to our seniors. 

Employer Focused Wellbeing
